How to be a Good Giver on LinkedIn (Part 2)

Did you create your 31 Things List?

Your 31 Things List is a simple strategy (from the last newsletter) that you can use to eliminate the idea that you have nothing to say on LinkedIn and create in it’s a place a thought leadership strategy.

Pump the brakes, Sue

If you’re like me and don’t always feel like searching for something, I’ll summarize the WHY behind the WHAT and HOW.

First, there are 2 big reasons WHY you should create your 31 Things List.

Reason 1: Your common knowledge isn’t common.

I was speaking with a client recently who wasn’t sure if what she had to say would be perceived as valuable.

If you’re wondering the same thing, consider doing this:

Think about 5 work colleagues/professional friends who do something similar to you.  It’s very likely that you have lots of knowledge in common…

Yet, even in that scenario you have UNCOMMON knowledge related to:

  • Your lived experiences
  • Your specialized knowledge in the field
  • A class or certification or article you attended/achieved/read
  • Your individual interests and priorities

I’m confident that in a small circle of colleagues, you could stand out with uncommon knowledge…

IMAGINE how compelling your knowledge would be to those who are aren’t in your immediate circle.

Reason 2: Your 31 Things List Eliminates Excuses

“I don’t like to post my own stuff”

“I don’t have time”

These are two popular excuses WHY leaders don’t build their thought leadership on LinkedIn.

Consider this:

Thought Leadership is the ideal strategy to build Know, Like, Trust (KLT) and it’s one of the most effective ways that you are making yourself Easy To Find and Memorable.

Take advantage of being one of the few of your peers who is leveraging LinkedIn, a worldwide platform, to grow your network and your career.

LinkedIn™ will prioritize your content to your first connections (another great reason to expand your network).

Now for the WHAT…

Create a Strategy to be a Good Giver

The largest social network for professionals + a simple framework = an effective thought leadership strategy.

First, the Social Network:

There is no bigger social network that focuses specficially on the professional market and its growing rapidly at a rate of 3 new members every second. (statistic from LinkedIn Pulse, May 2023)

Enough said.

And the Simple Framework

You guessed it: your 31 Things List

Commit to a fifteen-minute investment to write down 31 ideas for posts that matter to you.

Here’s a few prompts to get you started:

  • I know how to…
  • I enjoy…
  • I’m good at…
  • I can show others how to…
  • I understand that…
  • I’m a good…

Got your list?  You are now ready to be ahead of 96% of LinkedIn™ members – good on you!

Now for the HOW

How are you going to share all that know-how?

There’s quite a few ways you can engage on LinkedIn.

Types of Posts

Organic Content

Virtually all of the organic posts on LinkedIn are text, photo/graphic, video or a combination thereof.

You can try different types of posts to see what works for your audience.

And, remember, vanity metrics do not mean that you aren’t getting noticed by your ideal audience (lurkers are always there).


Did someone in your industry or network post something you really enjoyed?  Great!  Repost to your network.  Not only will you score “likeability” points with them, you’re sharing knowledge that people in your network will benefit from.

Reacting and Commenting

Schedule time (no more than 15 minutes is required) to go through your feed.  And, if you want to avoid some of the “why-am-I-seeing-this” posts, click the grey bell on members’ profiles that are of interest to you (when it’s available) to be notified when they post.

Contribute to Collaborative Articles

The AI generated articles is a relatively new way LinkedIn™ is engaging its community.

This is useful “How To” guide from LinkedIn on viewing and contributing to these articles.


Choose two of the options above and Boom! your journey to being a good giver.


You’ve got the WHY, WHAT and HOW

You’ve got what you need to be a good giver on LinkedIn™.

Get out there.

You’ve got this.