The Goldilocks Problem With Job Posts

Was Goldilocks onto something when she tried three different chairs, three separate bowls of porridge, and three distinct beds to find the one that was“just right? I’ve discovered in my conversations with decision-makers that they often share a very real concern with our fairytale protagonist. When faced with candidate selection, we want to hire someone […]

Recruiting Is the Best Reality TV That’s Not On TV

I’m guessing that your reality TV time has crept up a bit…or, a lot. And, while I’m still waiting for Bravo to come out with a reality TV show about talent acquisition, I have enjoyed watching some reality TV shows that made me think of all the amazing TA professionals I know. In the world […]

The Secret Successful Recruiters Know

I recently ran a Facebook poll asking recruiters why they loved their job. The majority said, I like knowing I can make a difference. Here’s a screenshot of the poll. The secret to making that happen in one word is influence. Popular publications and media sites such as LinkedIn, Inc., Entrepreneur, and Forbes as well as […]


I would normally post a blog on my website and send out my weekly email to our online recruiter community today. But, my heart aches and it’s hard to focus as I try to comprehend the death of George Floyd while in police custody. Anger has turned into rioting in our cities. And, there’s a […]

The Common Mistake Smart Recruiters Make When Hiring Contingent Workers

Companies are adapting to the evolving market and their hiring needs have changed. As a recruiter, you may be asked to pivot your search strategies from full-time searches to hiring contingent workers. The big mistake a recruiter can make is not considering all their options. A Contractor By Any Other Name A contingent worker may […]

Is the 6-Second Resume Scan a Myth?

I was in a sales meeting with a well-known company that was touting its latest AI tool. One of the sales people (there were several in the room) casually mentioned that recruiters only look at resumes for six seconds. I bristled at his comment and suggested that the statistic he offered did not ring true […]

Talent Acquisition is a Super Power

Is talent acquisition and recruiting the same thing? It’s a question I’ve gotten repeatedly and some would say it doesn’t really matter. I disagree, allow me to explain. Talent acquisition is proactive; whereas, recruiting is reactive. Recruiting is a short term, need-based approach. Talent Acquisition is a long-term, comprehensive approach to adding talent to your […]

Love Your Candidates

I’ll admit that some days feel like the world may never be the same. I was watching an older episode of Lip Sync Battle.…in bed…on my phone. It was early this past Saturday morning and I wasn’t ready to get up and start another day yet. The celebrities on this episode were Anna Kendrik and […]

What to Ask a Contractor BEFORE You Hire Them

This seems like a straightforward question, but it has a few layers to it.  Let’s take a look at each layer, one at a time. Hiring someone, in any capacity, requires a plan.  A hiring plan must fit into your business strategy.  This doesn’t have to be a long, drawn-out process like those hefty business […]

How to Make the Most of a Contractor Engagement

If you’re an entrepreneur who seeks to be a CEO of their business and not simply trade one full time job for a slew of part time jobs, hiring contractors is a relatively easy way to get help as you grow your business. With one large looming caveat: how do we make the most of […]