How to Avoid Regret after Accepting an Offer

“If I had taken longer to think about what I wanted to do, I wouldn’t have taken that job”. When she said it, I felt it.It was an emotional gut punch.BecauseWhen you decide to resign in the first 6 months from a position that you were so excited about, you can’t help but think about […]

How to Have a Killer Resume

That answers the only question readers are asking themselves I have a confession.I’ve never been a fan of one-size-fits-all…With the exception of the poncho that I permanently borrowed from our daughter. Since ponchos are blankets with a hole in the center, the honest answer to, “Does this look good, honey?” is “Well, it doesn’t look bad”. Because […]

How to Follow up after an Interview

(without feeling like a pain in the neck) Of course, you should follow up, but HOW? Should you follow up with a recruiter or decision-maker after your interview? Yes. So says everyone with a heartbeat. …Your friend …Your old boss (your previous boss, I’m not saying your boss is old) …Your HR friend …Your I-read-it-online […]

How to Bust Out of the Candidate Pack

Recruiting is a numbers game. I’ve heard this many times from all sorts of people during my 2 decades in recruiting. People say it confidently. It’s a matter-of-fact statement. And, others repeat it. When something is a given, we don’t waste our valuable time and attention questioning it. But maybe we should. What’s inside: What […]

How To Get More Interviews in 30 Days

(without rewriting your resume, changing your LI profile, or spending hours searching for jobs) If I say, “networking” What comes to mind?  “I already did” “I am” “I tried”  “I’m tired” – usually that comes after the trying.  If I say, circles of networking You may think: The 9 circles of H-E-double- …. …Wait, no, […]

The Goldilocks Problem With Job Posts

Was Goldilocks onto something when she tried three different chairs, three separate bowls of porridge, and three distinct beds to find the one that was“just right? I’ve discovered in my conversations with decision-makers that they often share a very real concern with our fairytale protagonist. When faced with candidate selection, we want to hire someone […]

Recruiting Is the Best Reality TV That’s Not On TV

I’m guessing that your reality TV time has crept up a bit…or, a lot. And, while I’m still waiting for Bravo to come out with a reality TV show about talent acquisition, I have enjoyed watching some reality TV shows that made me think of all the amazing TA professionals I know. In the world […]

The Secret Successful Recruiters Know

I recently ran a Facebook poll asking recruiters why they loved their job. The majority said, I like knowing I can make a difference. Here’s a screenshot of the poll. The secret to making that happen in one word is influence. Popular publications and media sites such as LinkedIn, Inc., Entrepreneur, and Forbes as well as […]


I would normally post a blog on my website and send out my weekly email to our online recruiter community today. But, my heart aches and it’s hard to focus as I try to comprehend the death of George Floyd while in police custody. Anger has turned into rioting in our cities. And, there’s a […]

The Common Mistake Smart Recruiters Make When Hiring Contingent Workers

Companies are adapting to the evolving market and their hiring needs have changed. As a recruiter, you may be asked to pivot your search strategies from full-time searches to hiring contingent workers. The big mistake a recruiter can make is not considering all their options. A Contractor By Any Other Name A contingent worker may […]